The Wild

The Wild is a documentary film by Seattle-based filmmaker Mark Titus who, facing the threat of North America’s largest open-pit copper mine in the headwaters of the most prodigious wild sockeye salmon run in the world, asks the
fundamental question: How do you save what you love?


Content creation

Creation of curated content to fit with the brand identity and values, with a strong focus on storytelling.
From April 2018 to February 2021.

Creation of GIFs for The Wild social media channels:
(Also check out my Megaphone GIF which was featured in this blog article!)

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Event communication

Participation in the organisation of various events like screenings and festivals; creation of marketing assets such as Facebook events, but also design of invitations, posters and business cards.

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Relationship management

Editing of regular newsletters, tracking of press coverage, grant applications and correspondence with partners.


Video editing

Editing of videos in the framework of The Wild promotion - like the highlights video above, made from recordings of Zoom gatherings during the Covid-19 pandemic around the theme of saving the things we love.